Monday, 28 November 2011

Investing time!!!!!

Market is global is trembling like anything, should we be worried in investing?????
Instead of thinking that it may go down , we must be brave in investing our money. It has proved all the time that when the market expect has given any suggestion moreoften it goes the other way. It is very simple For instance the financial expert ask in the channel that the market will fall in coming week! what happens is the trader feels it will come through and startes selling this is follwed by various traders. What happens is the stocks becomes very cheap and rich investors starts buying in the lower level. This is a serious trick to fool us.Pls thimk about it and start investing!!!

Best way to impress the Interviewer!

Do you remember your first day in college? Your first motorcycle? You’re first Mercedes? And most importantly your first Job interview?
Hey, we always remember the thing which we do for first time. And most importantly we also remember the effort, pain; planning etc we do for that first thing. There is always a first time for everything and so with the job interviews.
In our life our first job is as important as our first job interview. We always learn every right from womb to the tomb. In India, every year more than 30 lakhs people pass out from their colleges, with a goal to enter in a good job, good professional life and this is the time when a student enters into the world of reality.
It’s very important for one to prepare for their first job interview as we do when first time we go on a date. So the big question arises, how you will do that? (I am talking about job interview)
Being in HR vertical I have personally interviewed many people right from a fresher to people who were having more experience than my total age. From my experience I have learnt what as a recruiter I like and here are some of the five most important things that you should do when you are going for your first job interview.
1. Collect information about the company and job where you are going.:-
2. Be on time for the interview: -
3. Dress properly:-
4. Body Language: -
5. This is your last job interview:-
This is not your last job interview
1. Collect information about the company and job where you are going.:-
Before going for any interview, the first thing that you should do is to know about the company where you are going. Make sure you know following things about the company:-
a)Company name and the name of important management people.
b)In which business / industry the company is and who are main players in that industry.
c)About the job you are going to do (If you get the job description before interview).
d)Basic Knowledge about the industry in which company falls.
e)Major clients of the company. (If you can find it)
The above list is not the final one there are many more thing which you can find about a company. This information will increase your confidence, create an impression about you that you really want this job and associated with the company.
Source of Information:
a)Internet (search engines).
b)Company’s official website.
c)Your friends who may be working in that company.
d)The Placement agency who may have lined up for interview in that company.
2. Be on time for the interview: -
Punctuality is must at the time when you are going for an interview, unless and until there are some major problem. Always plan and keep spare time with you to reach the destination on time. But keep on thing in mind, even reaching one hour or two before interview timing is also not good. This makes you more nervous and most of the time you start feeling bore, so when you actually enter in interview cabin you feel exhausted and sleepy. And you tell me who needs a sleepy horse for the race.
3. Dress properly:-
Clothes are very important because its increase the confidence level of a person and make him / her comfortable. Always look good and be confident because the person on the chair in front of you always creates a first impression about you from your dress, dressing style, body language.
Do’s” For males: Shirt and trouser are the preffered one in India.
For Female: Shirt and trouser or salwaar kameej.
Don’t: Don’t wear jeans, t- shirts or revealing clothes. Don’t put strong perfume on your cloths. Don’t have too much accessories on your body.
4. Body Language: -
Your interview starts from the moment you enter in the cabin as interviewer starts analyzing you body language. Before entering the interviewer cabin always take permission from the interviewer to come in. Maintain a proper eye contact (please don’t stare) and listen carefully what he is saying and show your interest in that. The best why you can show your interest is lean little bit forward, hand movements, if you don’t understand any point ask it (but don’t ask every time to repeat the sentence). Always be calm do not speak like a jet plane, take your time and think before giving any answer (but don’t ask for the time to think. You have to run your brain like a jet plane).
Don’t keep your hands on table and cross your legs.
5. This is your last job interview:-
Keep in mind you have to get this job, there is no other option for you, so at any cost you have to get this job. This feeling and attitude will help you in giving your 150% in the interview and you will be more confident will do everything; give right answer for cracking the interview.
This is not your last job interview
Whenever you are going for an interview always make a statement in your mind that this is not your last job of your life this feeling give you the confidence to express yourself completely in front of the interviewer. It removes nervousness and help you in presenting what you are. Learn to fail because that gives you the confidence for the next time.
NOTE: I have given two options above; as I fell everyone is having different behavior and thought. It’s on you to decide which option you want to select.
The above mentioned points are just some of the few things that you should do before going for an interview. There are many other things which one can do…but if you follow the above mentioned requirements it will considerably improve your selection chances.
So, I am sure you will crack your job interview.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

What NOT to write in your RESUME!!!!

1. “Salary negotiable”

Yes, they know. If you’re wasting a precious line of your resume on this term, it looks as though you’re padding -- that you’ve run out of things to talk about. If your salary is not negotiable, that would be somewhat unusual. (Still, don’t put that on your resume either.)

2. “References available by request”

See the preceding comment about unnecessary terms.

3. “Responsible for ______”

Reading this term, the recruiter can almost picture the C-average, uninspired employee mechanically fulfilling his job requirements -- no more, no less. Having been responsible for something isn’t something you did -- it’s something that happened to you. Turn phrases like “responsible for” into “managed,” “led” or other decisive, strong verbs.

4. “Experience working in ______”

Again, experience is something that happens to you -- not something you achieve. Describe your background in terms of achievements.

5. “Problem-solving skills”
You know who else has problem-solving skills? Monkeys. Dogs. On your resume, stick to skills that require a human.

6. “Detail-oriented”

So, you pay attention to details. Well, so does everyone else. Don’t you have something unique to tell the hiring manager? Plus, putting this on your resume will make that accidental typo in your cover letter or resume all the more comical.

7. “Hardworking” 

Have you ever heard the term “show -- don’t tell”? This is where that might apply. Anyone can call himself a hard worker. It’s a lot more convincing if you describe situations in concrete detail in which your hard work benefited an employer.

8. “Team player”

See the preceding comment about showing instead of telling. There are very few jobs that don’t involve working with someone else. If you have relevant success stories about collaboration, put them on your resume. Talk about the kinds of teams you worked on, and how you succeeded.

9. “Proactive” 

This is a completely deflated buzzword. Again, show rather than tell.

10. “Objective”

This term isn’t always verboten, but you should use it carefully. If your objective is to get the job you’ve applied for, there’s no need to spell that out on your resume with its own heading. A resume objective is usually better replaced by a career summary describing your background, achievements and what you have to offer an employer. An exception might be if you haven’t applied for a specific job and don’t have a lot of experience that speaks to the position you’d like to achieve.

Source : Yahoo

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

R u a Research Analyst?????? look into tis

If you are in a a profession where you need to look for the information abt famous people or you are interested know about their career these sites would help you! and ya these are the must realiable sites!!!

^ interesting facts abt Bliknig eye!!

(Photo: Jupiterimages)
(Photo: Jupiterimages)

Most folks know the basics of why we blink: It cleans and moisturizes the eyes while protecting them from irritants. Everyone blinks. And then there’s the forced one-eyed blink, the wink, that’s used as a form of body language to say, “Hey there, good lookin’.” Unless used by a non-threatening grandparent, the age of the wink as a come-on has definitely, well, come and gone.
At first blush, blinking may not be the most riveting topic, but there are a few things that you probably don’t know about the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid. Below are six facts, myths, and blinking-related oddities that were interesting enough to keep our eyes open.
1. Women (supposedly) rule when it comes to blinking: Although the “women blink more” rumor is difficult to back with scientific fact, it’s popularly believed that female blinkers are more prolific than their male counterparts, blinking twice as much. Numbers vary as to exactly how many times a person blinks in a minute, but the average number is thought to be 15 or once every four seconds, although this can increase when one is anxious, apprehensive or tired. In addition to the rumored double blink-age, Men’s Heath reports that women taking birth control pills blink 32 percent more frequently than women who aren’t on the pill.
2. Blinking inspired the creation of auto parts: The inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper, Robert Kearns, came up with the game-changing idea after a wedding-night mishap — a champagne cork flew straight into his left eye, leaving him with irregular blinking patterns. Kearns later went blind and suffered from a mental breakdown after years in court spent battling Ford and other automakers, accusing them of pilfering his revolutionary design. He was portrayed by Greg Kinnear in the 2008 film “Flash of Genius.”
3. Babies are infrequent blinkers: The jury is still out on exactly why human babies blink far less frequently than adults, usually just twice or less over the course of a minute. Additionally, a study found that children blink more frequently as they grow older, not reaching full “blink maturity” until the age of 14 or 15. One theory about why babies blink less is that they sleep so much and thus don’t need to lubricate their eyes as frequently as adults do. Another theory claims that infants, when awake, are busy working their eyes (but not their eyelids) overtime to soak in visual information.
4. George W. Bush, and Air Force pilots flying over “friendly territory” = frequent blinkers: In addition to babies, the blink patterns of adults in a variety of circumstances have been widely studied. Generally, when we take in important information, we blink less. When not taking in as much information or when under duress, we blink more. Air Force pilots flying simulators over “friendly territory” blink more than when flying over “enemy territory” because there’s less crucial information to take in. The late Dr. John Stern, a blink research pioneer and professor emeritus of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, noted that during the first presidential debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004, Bush blinked rapidly, especially when under attack from his opponent. Kerry, who did not blink rapidly at any point, won the debate, although the rapid blinker went on to take the White House.
5. All creatures great and small blink — except for fish, snakes, and other animals without eyelids. Then there are some special creatures — perhaps most famously hamsters — that wink, blinking only one eye at a time. In 1927, W.P. Blount published the definitive guide to blinking in the animal kingdom titled “Studies of the Movements of the Eyelids of Animals: Blinking.” Among Blount’s findings: Sudanese monkeys blink like crazy, rats blink when they sneeze and goats blink at intervals of 30 to 60 seconds.
6. Involuntary blinking devices — the new 3-D glasses? In an effort to do away with those pesky 3-D glasses donned by many moviegoers, a Brazilian production company called Jonathan Post created a blink-inducing device worn on the head that makes you look like a lunatic person. And oh yeah, the device, 3D No Glasses, allows users to experience three-dimensional visions sans disposable glasses thanks to all that crazy-looking blinking. And a second oh yeah: The much-viewed video of 3D No Glasses being demoed by a hirsute Frenchman named Francois is one elaborate, well-executed joke.
Source -

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Sunday, 24 July 2011

SPB Shell For Android!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you haven't gotten a chance to play around with SPB's Shell 3D launcher, I highly recommend you do so immediately. I won't go into too much detail, as our own Phil Esposito reviews the app in the video below, but I can tell you that this launcher is top-notch software. Obviously, a lot of work has gone into developing the UI of Shell 3D, and it shows. If I can find one complaint, it would be the lack of any type of landscape orientation. Even when I open my G2's keyboard, the launcher remains in portrait mode. But I'm sure it will be added into future releases, so I'm not too upset about it. You can see a few screenshots above, but the video really says it all. Now, on with the review!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

facebook hidden tricks!!!!!!

1. Hide Your Online Status From Selected Friends:

So you want to use Facebook chat but don’t want some people to see your online status? Simply open up the Facebook Chat and click on Friends List. Start creating a new list called BlockList.
Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.

2. View a Friend’s Profile Without Messy Applications:

If you are like me, you often get annoyed by the dozens of silly applications that people have added to their profile. Here’s a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without all those applications. Remember: the Mozilla Firefox web browser is a prerequisite for running Greasemonkey.

3. Display Your Facebook Status On Your WordPress Blog:

Want to display your Facebook status updates on your WordPress blog? There is a plugin that does exactly that. StatusPress lets you display your status updates to a widget on your WordPress blog.

4. Access Facebook Chat Through Your Desktop:

No need to go to if all you want to do is use Facebook chat. You can do it right from your desktop using clients like , Adium or ChitChat.

5. Update Facebook Status From Firefox:

If you are a firefox addict you don’t need to use any other software to update your Facebook status. Simply install the FireStatus add-on and update your status right from your browser. You can also use the Facebook Toolbar to completely manage Facebook from your Firefox browser.

6. Create A Photo Collage From Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends:

Easily create a photo collage from profile pictures of all your Facebook friends using a simple Facebook app called Photo Collage.

7. Add A New friend But Hide It From Your Status Update:

A great tutorial by Tim Watson walks you through the process of hiding specific actions from your status updates.

8. Schedule Facebook Messages To Be Send Later:

If you want to schedule your Facebook messages to be send sometime in the future, Sendible is a great tool to do that. You can also use Sendible to schedule your status updates.

9. How To Share Flickr Photos On Facebook:

My Flickr is a Facebook application that lets you display your Flickr photos and photo sets on Facebook so your friends can view and comment on them without leaving Facebook.

10. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums:

Ever felt the need to download complete photo albums from Facebook. You can easily do it with either a Windows desktop application named FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.

11. Upload Photos On Facebook From Your Phone:

All the smart phones like iPhone and Blackberry make it simple to upload photos to your Facebook account but how would you do it if you have a regular phone? Here is a great tutorial to walk you through that.

12. Magic Circles On Facebook:

You might have heard about the Konami code that makes red blurry circles on your Facebook page. This might be one of the most popular Facebook hidden tricks. Here’s how to do it:
Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key then press up & down & Magic circles will appear!
To stop them simply reload your page.

13. Use Your Facebook Like A Pirate:

Do you love talking like a pirate? You can set your Facebook to appear like a pirate page by going intoCurrent Language Settings and setting it to English (Pirate).
14. How To Insert Cool Symbols In Your Status Updates:
Make your status updates interesting by inserting cool symbols. Simply copying them from this list and pasting in your status updates.

15. Automatically Poke Friends That Poke You:

Don’t have enough time to poke back friends who poke you on Facebook? Automate it with a Grease Monkey script called Facebook Autopoke.

16. Upload Photos From PicasaTo Facebook:

Upload photos to your Facebook account directly from Picasa using the Picasa app for Facebook. You can also upload the Picasa captions and resize your photos before uploading them to Facebook.

17. Search Facebook Like A Pro:

Not everybody knows how powerful Facebook search is. Similar to any large search engine, Facebook search has a lot of advanced options to help you search like a pro. For example if you are looking for a person named John Marsh and filter your results down to only people who are married, you can try name: John Marsh status:married. A complete list of search tips for Facebook can be found here.

18. How To Update Facebook Status From Gmail:

Facebook gadget for Gmail allows you to update your Facebook status right from your Gmail.

19. How To Access Gmail From Facebook:

If you seldom have to leave Facebook just to go check your Gmail inbox, check out Fmail. It is a great application that lets you check your Gmail from within your Facebook inbox.

20. See Facebook Twitter style:

If you love Twitter more than Facebook, you can view your Facebook just like you view your Twitter usingthis grease monkey script.

21. Import Facebook Friends To Twitter:

FB140 is a simple tool that lets you find all your Facebook friends that are using Twitter so you can easily follow them.

22. Access Facebook From Microsoft Outlook:

This is a great tip for people attending colleges or working in places that block Facebook, but allow you access to Microsoft Outlook. Simple install the FBlook plugin and access Facebook from Outlook.

23. Display Your Facebook Status Upside Down:

This is a cool and fun trick. To display upside down status updates, simply head over to FlipText and type in your status. Then simply click on Flip Text and copy-paste the upside down text into your Facebook status box.

24. Update Facebook Status Using Twitter:

Wouldn’t you love to update your status on both Facebook and Twitter at the same time. Just install theTwitter application for Facebook. Once synced, your tweets including the #fb tag would automatically be posted as status updates on your Facebook.

25. Download Videos From Facebook:

Facebook has one of the largest collection of user uploaded videos.You can download most of the videos from Facebook by using a client like SpeedBit or DownFacbook.

Friday, 24 June 2011

n9 vs iphone 4

Comparison Between Nokia N9 and iPhone 4
• Nokia N9 has a bigger display (3.9 inch) than iPhone 4 (3.5 inch)
• iPhone 4 has a better resolution of screen (640×960 pixels) than N9 (480×854 pixels)
• Nokia N9 runs MeeGo while iPhone 4 is based on iOS.
• N9 has a more powerful RAM (1 GB) than iPhone 4 (512 MB)
• iPhone 4 is thinner (9.3mm) than N9 (12.1mm at the centre and 7.6mm at the edges)
• N9 has a better camera (8 MP with Carl Zeiss optics and dual flash) than iPhone 4 (5 MP)
• The camera of N9 shoots with higher resolution (3264×2448 pixels) than iPhone 4 (2592×1944 pixels)
• N9 has a unique UI that provide 3 home screen that are lacking in iPhone 4
• N9 has a better sound technology than iPhone 4
• N9 has NFC for added connectivity which is not available in iPhone 4

Comparison of Specifications 
Nokia N9 vs iPhone 4
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Form Factor
Candy Bar - Unibody with all screen
Candy bar
On-screen Virtual
Virtual Full QWERTY
116.45x61.2x7.6-12.1 mm
115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm
135 g
137 g
Body Color
Magenta, Cyan, Black
White, Black
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
3.9 in
3.5 inches
FWVGA (854 x 480 pixels), 16:9 Aspect ratio
960 x 640
16M color, Scratch resistant Corning Gorilla Glass with anti glare coating
16M color, Oleophobic coated, scratch resistance
Accelerometer, Magnetometer (digital compass), Proximity sensor, Ambient light sensor
Three axis gyro, Accelerometor, Proximity sensor, Ambient light sensor
 Operating System
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
Apple iOS 4.2.1 (upgradeable to iOS 4.3.1)
Nokia custom UI
Java/Adobe Flash
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Apple A4
1 GHz
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
1 GB
512 MB
16GB / 64GB
16 GB/32 GB
No card Slot
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
8 MP with Carl Zeiss optics
5.0 mega pixels
Dual LED
Focus, Zoom
Continuous auto focus, touch focus, 4x Digital zoom
Auto, Digital, tap focus
Video Capture
720p@30fps HD
720p HD
Wide angle lens, Aperture F2.2, Digital shutter, Photo editor, Automatic Motion Blur Reduction
Double microphones, Geo tagging, Image stabilization
Secondary camera
Three axis gyro, Accelerometor, Proximity sensor, Ambient light sensor
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Headphone, Formats: MPEG-4 AAC , eAAC, eAAC+, MPEG-1, WMA9, FLAC
AAC, Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), HE-AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV
720p Playback, Dolby Mobile and Dolby Digital Plus support, Formats: H.263, MPEG4-SP & ASP, H.264 B
H.264, MPEG-4, M-JPEG
3D Games, Preloaded: Angry Birds Magic, Need for Speed Shift, Galaxy on Fire 2 Real Golf 2011
Game Center
FM Radio
No but Tunein Internet Radio App
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Type Capacity
Li-ion non-removable battery; 1420 mAh
7 hours (3G), 11 hours (2G)
up to 14 hrs (2G), up to 7 hrs (3G)
450 hours (3G), 380 hours (2G)
max 500 hrs
 Mail and Messaging
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
POP3/IMAP Gmail, Email, Push mail
SMS, MMS, IM (Google talk, Facebook, Skype)
MMS, SMS, IM (GoogleTalk)
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
802.11 b/g/n
802.11 b/g/n. n at 2.4 kHz only
Wi-Fi Hotspot
GSM model with upgrade to iOS 4.3, CDMA model
v2.1+EDR supports A2DP stereo, FTP/OPP for file transfer, PBAP
2.0 High speed, micro-USB port
Yes, connect via 30 pin dock adapter
 Location Service
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Ovi Maps
Google Maps
A-GPS with Navigation
Lost-Theft Protection
Find my Phone
 Network Support
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
GSM, GPRS, EDGE / WCDMA, HSUPA(5.76bps),HSDPA(14.4Mbps)
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Ovi Stores
Apple Apps Store, iTunes
Social Networks
Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, YouTube, Flickr
Facebook, Twitter, SNS
Voice Calling
Video Calling
Joikuspot Wi-Fi tethering, Accuweather, Swype, Track and Protect,
AirPrint, AirPlay, Find my iPhone
 Business Mobility
Nokia N9
iPhone 4
Remote VPN
Yes , CISCO Anyconnect,Juniper JunOS Pulse
Corporate Mail
Yes,Active Sync
Corporate Directory
Video Conferencing
Yes with CISCO WebEx
Other Features
Join.Me,Goto Meeting
Nokia N9
iPhone 4

MobileMe,Password Protected home screen
 Additional Features
Nokia N9
iPhone 4

NFC, MicroSIM card slot
iBook, iMovie, FaceTime, Multiple language support, Mobile hotspot - no support in GSM model, connects up to 5 devices in CDMA model