Saturday, 21 May 2011

use multiple yahoo messenger account together!!!

For people who manage multiple accounts at the same time (yes I mean you – the one with a separate account for your workstuff, family stuff and naughty stuff), the time has come for you to use ALL your accounts at the same time!

What do I mean?

  • You don’t have to keep logging on and off anymore
  • You don’t have to use a Yahoo Messenger substitute like GAIM* that doesn’t let you use your avatars, audibles, backgrounds,  nor the buzz functionality
  • You don’t have to stoop down to oh-so-slow java programs online as YM alternates – like meebo*
Simple – no plugins to install (some of those could come with viruses), no hard to install equipment, hardware or software! And did I mention that there is a step-by-step video you can reference below?
Behold the simplest method that you can use to enable you to log-in simultaneously with your multiple yahoo accounts! See the video I have attached or follow the simple hack that needs less than 10 steps.
  1. Click on Start Menu
  2. Click Run
  3. Type “regedit” without the quotes, press Enter
  4. Navigate to and expand the following in the said order: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Yahoo, pager, Test
  5. Right-click on Test and create a new DWORD value (32 bit).
  6. Rename that value as “Plural” without the quotes.
  7. Set the value of “Plural” to 1.
Of course, there is a downside to all of this:
  • Meebo still covers your tracks better than YM (that plus meebo is easier to get away with for you unlucky grunts who are not allowed to install YMs in the office)
  • GAIM will still have the better interface because of its tabbed nature.
  • We never know if Yahoo will support this hack come version 9 for YM.
But if you are a home user, you have 2-3 accounts, you have the real estate on your desktop (a.k.a. 21 inch monitors and above), and/or feel like getting those nutty audibles, avatars, smileys, emoticons, emvironments, webcam, voice chat, conference and all – then stick to whatever floats your boat.*

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